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When we were approached for help by Charlotte, one of our clients, who manages theUnder 10s SARLC Rugby Club, we were delighted to support young people in the Leeds area. The Under 10s team does fantastic work helping to provide opportunities for young people interested in sport across the city and further afield. Capturing their interest at such a young age encourages teamwork and fitness, as well as boosting confidence and creating friendships. The teams are run by volunteers and rely on businesses to fund kit.

At 4 Site Security, we are proud to have our logo emblazoned across the back of the team’s after-match kit to show our support for the 2024/25 season, as well as on the home and away post-match players’ certificates.

The SARLC Rugby Club has over 130 years of history developing players and are part of the Leeds Rhinos Foundation. Our Service Operations Manager Mark Wilson took personal delight that 4 Site Security was helping to encourage young talent at the club: “My dad was a trustee and helped to get the new clubhouse built,” said Mark. “I played there from 11 years old and coached my son’s team there for 10 years.”