Ensuring that our business is compliant is not just a legal requirement but demonstrates to our teams, customers, and our interested parties that we take safety and social impact seriously. We therefore voluntarily undertake internal and external audits across the year.
In 2024, 12 audits were completed with two major findings and seven minor findings. The major findings were process-based, and these are being resolved with great care and consideration to ensure that improvements are made without introducing any potential risks or issues.
Complaints management has also been improved this year with a significant decrease in open complaints. These have been managed well while effectiveness reviews are completed to ensure that any issues which have been resolved should not reoccurred and any reoccurring factors are assessed and mitigated as far as reasonably practicable.
We have been improving the quality of training, the quality of our Health & Safety knowledge and improving the quality management system processes, as well as focusing on reducing fuel and electricity usage.
Next year, we will build on this with a new safety committee, further qualifications and training schedules, and the further refinement of processes. We will also be researching and implementing innovations that improve service quality and employee work/life.